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Worker Classification, Payroll Megan Kurashige Worker Classification, Payroll Megan Kurashige

Misclassification. What’s the worst that can happen?

Many of you have received questions about classification and pushback from potential or current personnel. This is normal, and we understand! But while the application of AB5 is a relatively recent development, it is not optional, and there are some serious consequences that come with not paying your people in the correct way.

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Worker Classification Megan Kurashige Worker Classification Megan Kurashige

Explaining the A, B, and C of the ABC Test

Although it’s tempting to wish for a one-size-fits-all answer that magically determines whether a worker, or a group of workers, is classified as an employee or a contractor, it’s important to remember that all three parts of the ABC test must be considered when determining classification as each part must be satisfied to classify a worker as a contractor.

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