Covid-19 Set Safety

Covid-19 Set Safety

While clients and studios generally have their own standard Covid-19 safety protocols, we are sharing the following basic health and safety measures and resources. Please contact your OOTB Account Manager with any questions or concerns.

OOTB Suggested Health & Safety Protocols

Clean Hands
When on set, all employees should wash their hands frequently with warm water and soap for at least 20 seconds, or use hand sanitizer. Employees should avoid touching their eyes, nose, and mouth.

Monitor Symptoms
OOTB employees must monitor their health and report any symptoms to their on-set supervisor and OOTB Account Manager. Employees must not go to set if experiencing any symptoms and should seek the advice of a medical provider.

Use Masks & Protective Layers
Employees must utilize personal protective equipment (PPE), including a minimum of a face mask and gloves (change gloves after each break). Employees should clean PPE daily or discard as necessary.

Practice Social Distancing
Employees should maintain a distance of at least 6 feet between themselves and others whenever possible, including during meal and rest periods. Any physical contact should be extremely limited and only engaged in with appropriate PPE when absolutely necessary.

Cover Coughs and Sneezes
Employees should cover coughs and sneezes with tissues or their elbow. Employees should wash their hands or use hand sanitizer after every cough or sneeze.

Communicate with Producers
OOTB employees will communicate with the on-set producer or production team to learn all set and location specific safety protocols.

Additional Safety Tips

  • Each team member should maintain workspace cleanliness and perform routine cleaning and disinfecting of surfaces, equipment, and any other elements.

  • No sharing of personal items such as cell phones, computers, kit materials, etc.

  • Each team member must use personal water bottles clearly labeled with their name.

  • Employees should use single-use, disposable dishes and flatware for meals.

  • Employees should avoid congested areas, such as elevators or hallways.

Please contact your OOTB Account Manager with any questions or concerns.

For additional health and safety guidelines, please visit the links below:

OSHA Covid-19 Control and Prevention

APA New Production Protocols